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Cambodia Sichuan and Chongqing Chamber of Commerce President Cup
December 4, 2022
On December 3, the golf invitational tournament with the theme of “The Fourth Council President Cup of the Sichuan-Chongqing General Chamber of

The 2019 “Saonon-Zhili Cup” Golf Invitational Tournament came to a successful conclusion
November 24, 2019
On November 24, 2019, the theme “Saonon-Zhili Cup” golf Invitational Tournament hosted by Zhili Electromechanical Company and sponsored by Guangzhou Wanon was successfully

The award presentation dinner was held for the 2018 “Saonon-Zhili Cup” golf friendly Competition
June 25, 2018
The “Saonon-Zhili Cup” golf friendship hosted by Zhili Group and sponsored by Guangzhou Wanon was held in the old local restaurant. Mr.